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One of the entries in his diary, du?

That area beyond the Pole is the Center of the Great Unknown:" Admiral Byrd's Expedition. ?

The Hollow Earth Theory #2: The Polar Holes Hollow Earth Model. That land beyond the Pole is the center of the great unknown. These days, another pillar of the hollow Earth narrative — though he may not have embraced this reputation — is Admiral Richard Byrd, an American explorer who led the first flights over both poles in the 1920s (and supposedly one of the few surface-dwellers to glimpse the secret at our planet's heart). Hollow Earth theories resurfaced dramatically in 1947 when polar explorer Admiral Richard Byrd conducted reconnaissance missions over the North Pole. And that space wouldn't be able to exist. poppy and petunia miniature cows Byrd came into contact with aliens. Earth is tilted somewhat on its axis, which causes. Byrd reportedly documented a mysterious land beyond the North Pole, which he referred to as the “center of the great unknown. What happened on that. Energy from the sun reaches Earth by way of radiation. jail report augusta ga 2023 , 1901-1965, author Study of ancient legends, myths about the hollow earth, agartha, subterranean world, inner core, inner earth, northpole, proposed reenactment of Admiral Byrd. The Inner Earth is often called "Agharta" and is peopled with peaceful and loving beings far advanced beyond us. Straight from the diaries of Admiral Byrd, which should be taken as accurate and contain no fiction. In the winter of 1947, Admiral Richard E. All modern humans belong to the species known as Homo sapiens that. The author claims that this book proves that there exists on the inside of the earth's crust, which is about 800 miles thick, a New World, and that Admiral Byrd's polar expeditions penetrated a total distance of 4,000 miles into this land beyond the North and South Poles, where there exist immense openings leading to the subterranean world in the hollow interior of the earth, home of a super. california i80 road conditions Byrd's plane on a raft from the "Chantier" to it's base at Spitzbergen, Norway, preparing for his epic flight to the North Pole on the 9th of May, 1926. ….

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